Velo City. Bicycle Culture and City Life, the book.


Velo City, Bicycle Culture and City Life is a beautiful book that celebrates the bicycle as a means of transport, as an object of design and as a vehicle with which to play sports. Because cycling and everything that surrounds the bicycle is much more than a simple displacement between several points of the city.

“The bicycle is the most sustainable, healthy and economic means of transport in cities. Cycling has the power to profoundly change our future. Leafing through this fantastic book, which has interesting articles and very good photographs, you can fully immerse yourself, to learn and appreciate the full potential of the bicycle.”

Velo City. Bicycle Culture and City Life

Velo City. Book

Libro Velo City

Libro Velo City. Bicycle Culture and City Life

This book has 256 pages, published this year (2018) and has is of 24x28cm.
If you like bicycles, you travel by bicycle or you just want to have this book for your collection, do not hesitate.
It is very worth it.
You can buy it directly here.

Here in Santafixie we also have a section of bicycle and cycling books that you should visit from time to time.

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