New crowdfunding campaign at Worldcoo


We have started a new campaign on the Worldcoo crowdfunding charity platform. As you will probably know, at Santafixie, you have the option of donating a small amount to the solidarity project we selected at the end of the purchase process.

Previously, for example, we collaborated with Bicicletassinfronteras by delivering bicycles to schools in Senegal so that their students can move around more efficiently, setting up a mechanical workshop for them and building a bicycle parking lot.

Now we have selected a project of the Juegaterapia Foundation – Kiciclos in the hospitals. It is a foundation whose objective is to improve the life quality of children who spend long periods of time in hospitals, in an unknown environment, far from their families, all of which can cause anxiety and distress.


With the aim of making hospital admissions more enjoyable, “Kiciclos” have been created –t ricycles with a built-in serum holder so that children can have fun while they their chemotherapy lasts.

By making a small contribution to your final purchase, you can contribute to reaching the objective of 2000€ so that children from Spanish hospitals can make use of the “Kiciclos” and their time spent at the hospital can pass quickly.

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